Post-Grad in Athens, who would have thought?

So, I’ve unexpectedly wound up back in Athens, Ohio despite desperate attempts to find employment after graduation all over Ohio and Pennsylvania. I was apparently meant to spend one more glorious year in this fairytale that is Athens, OH thanks to my old student job at the Campus Involvement Center. I must have done something seriously impressive there in the short year I worked there as an undergraduate since I’ve been asked back until May to fulfill the Campus Events Planner position. This whole thing has been an amazing experience flecked with mishaps and missteps as I keep learning how different life is as a big kid even when the real world lies in the entirely unreal world of Athens, Ohio.

Moral of the story is I’m writing this new blog – for my old fling, Backdrop Magazine, which I wrote and worked with for four years in my undergraduate career which only ended four short months ago. Needless to say, I was still feeling like I was supposed to head to 8:10 p.m. meetings every Tuesday, so we’ve found a way for me to stay involved by writing and raving and ranting about the insanity of being a post-grad employed by the University after just graduating in June. From student to staff, who would have thought?

So be sure to check out my new blog, “She Just Can’t Get Enough,” for hilarious stories of a newfound Athens townie and keep heading back here for any other content I feel like rambling about or investigating. Thanks friends! xx

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